An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

Extra Dimensions
Chapter Ten
"Hey, Stan... What the frig can I do? If I drag her kicking and biting through the front door, she runs out the back. If I drop her little butt in the office, she bolts the first opportunity. You know how many times she flushed her batteries? And what happens if she hurts someone there? She’s already in Special Ed which is a big freak’n mortification as far as she concerns."
"I like tads fine. Jest don’t wanna be widdem all day."
"They’re not retads, you little spurt. There’s lots of very 'telligent morons in that class."
"They are fuffups".
"Well, who the frig’s not a freak’n fuggup? ...Me? Stan? You, ya little cumdrop?"
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
"Hey, Stan... What the frig can I do? If I drag her kicking and biting through the front door, she runs out the back. If I drop her little butt in the office, she bolts the first opportunity. You know how many times she flushed her batteries? And what happens if she hurts someone there? She’s already in Special Ed which is a big freak’n mortification as far as she concerns."
"I like tads fine. Jest don’t wanna be widdem all day."
"They’re not retads, you little spurt. There’s lots of very 'telligent morons in that class."
"They are fuffups".
"Well, who the frig’s not a freak’n fuggup? ...Me? Stan? You, ya little cumdrop?"