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An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

Life is Not All Carrots and Cream
Chapter Eight
But Rosencrantz Rabbit was too big to stay in Lulu's pouch without hurting her. Ouch! And often the poor wittle wabbit got bounced out and onto the rocks. Ouch! Ouch! And there were so many weasels, wolves, foxes, and stoats. So many eagles, hawks, condors, falcons, and vultures. And farmers don't like it when rabbits or kangaroos pick their raspberries. Boom. Boom! BOOM! Ratatattat! So it was still not easy for Rosencrantz Rabbit to be out in the wild world.
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
But Rosencrantz Rabbit was too big to stay in Lulu's pouch without hurting her. Ouch! And often the poor wittle wabbit got bounced out and onto the rocks. Ouch! Ouch! And there were so many weasels, wolves, foxes, and stoats. So many eagles, hawks, condors, falcons, and vultures. And farmers don't like it when rabbits or kangaroos pick their raspberries. Boom. Boom! BOOM! Ratatattat! So it was still not easy for Rosencrantz Rabbit to be out in the wild world.
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