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Streamly Gredible

Chapter Five

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"No. Even that depression thing. That wasn't cuz of you. It wasn't cuz of any baby. She was always up and down and all around when she wasn’t dumped in the downs. She was a live wire blowin fuses, your agitatin’ mudder wuz."

“A shocker?”

“A jolter and a zapper and a paddywhack snapper.”

"She would've been happier if I never came."

"No. Happy is a crazy thing. Was Obby happy?"

"Sometime he was sad happy. Mudd could be crazy happy sometime. Streamly crazy happy. Or streamly sad crazy."

Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book

"No. Even that depression thing. That wasn't cuz of you. It wasn't cuz of any baby. She was always up and down and all around when she wasn’t dumped in the downs. She was a live wire blowin fuses, your agitatin’ mudder wuz."

“A shocker?”

“A jolter and a zapper and a paddywhack snapper.”

"She would've been happier if I never came."

"No. Happy is a crazy thing. Was Obby happy?"

"Sometime he was sad happy. Mudd could be crazy happy sometime. Streamly crazy happy. Or streamly sad crazy."

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