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An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

Squirrel with Pearl Earring
Chapter Four

Walter and Hazel were a lovely old couple who lived in a lovely old house. They loved to sit and swing on their lovely front porch and look lovingly into each other's loving eyes.
"Walter and Hazel? Their last name should be Nutz! Then they could be a pair of swinging nuts!"
"You shut up now, Daddu! Go head now, Obby."
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book

Walter and Hazel were a lovely old couple who lived in a lovely old house. They loved to sit and swing on their lovely front porch and look lovingly into each other's loving eyes.
"Walter and Hazel? Their last name should be Nutz! Then they could be a pair of swinging nuts!"
"You shut up now, Daddu! Go head now, Obby."
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