An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

Sea of Monsters
Chapter Twenty-Five
At first it was like gawking into an aquarium. Then her perch became The Great Glass Elevator submerging into a storm topped sea. But she could imagine no fish. Instead were puppies and kittens, raccoons and rabbits, dolls, tricycles, and Teddy Bears. Some floating serenely. Some swimming frantically. Some simply paddling in a slightly frolicsome way. But all were sunk below the water’s rim, engulfed in a deluge too grand for them to understand.
She pushed her palms against the glass which seemed to melt into the rippling curtains of rain pelting heavily against them.
Then she was outside, submersively drenched.
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
At first it was like gawking into an aquarium. Then her perch became The Great Glass Elevator submerging into a storm topped sea. But she could imagine no fish. Instead were puppies and kittens, raccoons and rabbits, dolls, tricycles, and Teddy Bears. Some floating serenely. Some swimming frantically. Some simply paddling in a slightly frolicsome way. But all were sunk below the water’s rim, engulfed in a deluge too grand for them to understand.
She pushed her palms against the glass which seemed to melt into the rippling curtains of rain pelting heavily against them.
Then she was outside, submersively drenched.