An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

The Edge of the Known Universe
Chapter Twenty
“Listen, Stoon. My dad sucked up moneylove as much as anybody. He’d never of retired without a lot socked. Always nabbing reassurance. More, probably, than most grubbers who never survived such a clutch of human depravity. Organized legitimat- ed murderous depravity. But maybe tried not to victimize himself. Maybe. Most of the time. Maybe he needed to beat them that way. Scarab’s dad, in his never imminent dotage, consorts still with the worst fiends and deatheaters in the US of freaking A, Israel, Europe, Latin America and, for all I know, Africunt, Malasia, Asstraila, and Antique Icicle too. What’s that all about? Embracing the dark side? Facesucking the fear?”
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
“Listen, Stoon. My dad sucked up moneylove as much as anybody. He’d never of retired without a lot socked. Always nabbing reassurance. More, probably, than most grubbers who never survived such a clutch of human depravity. Organized legitimated murderous depravity. But maybe tried not to victimize himself. Maybe. Most of the time. Maybe he needed to beat them that way. Scarab’s dad, in his never imminent dotage, consorts still with the worst fiends and deatheaters in the US of freaking A, Israel, Europe, Latin America and, for all I know, Africunt, Malasia, Asstraila, and Antique Icicle too. What’s that all about? Embracing the dark side? Facesucking the fear?”