An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library
Jew Barbecue
Chapter Eighteen
“That’s snot nice.”
“Rackem Frackem Sackum! You wanna kill me here? You wanna take a long walk off a short pier?”
“What’s a pier?”
“A peeer is someone who doesn’t dribble on the toilet, at least if she’s a good peeer.”
“That’s SNOT what he meant, Nuncle Shush! Anyway, that's what you do, Doodu!”
“A pier is like dock. It’s a wharf. It’s like a bridge that doesn’t make it all the way across. So if you walk too far..." Abe illustrated by walking two fingers across another and then ...“Splssssh!”
“Oh. Ha! There’s no peers near here.”
“So go play in traffic.”
Photo by Wilmy van Ulft on Unsplash
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
“That’s snot nice.”
“Rackem Frackem Sackum! You wanna kill me here? You wanna take a long walk off a short pier?”
“What’s a pier?”
“A peeer is someone who doesn’t dribble on the toilet, at least if she’s a good peeer.”
“That’s SNOT what he meant, Nuncle Shush! Anyway, that's what you do, Doodu!”
“A pier is like dock. It’s a wharf. It’s like a bridge that doesn’t make it all the way across. So if you walk too far... “Abe illustrated by walking two fingers across another and then... “Splssssh!”
“Oh. Ha! There’s no peers near here.”
“So go play in traffic.”