An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

Jew Barbecue
Chapter Eighteen
“It wasn’t his fault. For once. Sarybaby couldn’t take even the hint of the idea of being exposed for being full of shit like she always wuz. She was a train wreck from the gitgo and his only fault was he made her one night outta a pitcher of Slivovitz Martinis.”
“But she couldn’t forgive him.”
“Right. But who’s fault was that?” Abe smiled ravenously at the dewy young waitress and ordered a slab of ribs with sweetened iced tea. “Do the ribs come with bacon?...And anyway, forgive him for what? Surviving?”
The men ordered pulled pork sandwiches and Grendel, after energetic efforts to alert her, demanded waffles and chocolate milk.
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
“It wasn’t his fault. For once. Sarybaby couldn’t take even the hint of the idea of being exposed for being full of shit like she always wuz. She was a train wreck from the gitgo and his only fault was he made her one night outta a pitcher of Slivovitz Martinis.”
“But she couldn’t forgive him.”
“Right. But who’s fault was that?” Abe smiled ravenously at the dewy young waitress and ordered a slab of ribs with sweetened iced tea. “Do the ribs come with bacon? ...And anyway, forgive him for what? Surviving?”
The men ordered pulled pork sandwiches and Grendel, after energetic efforts to alert her, demanded waffles and chocolate milk.