An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library

On the Road Again
Chapter Seventeen
“Like a doggy panting for a ride,” her father shrugged.
She turned a corner, kicked open the bathroom, and immediately reappeared struggling dramatically under her backpack, heavy straps clutched in both fists.
A slave's burden, it's backbreaking weight swayed first in one direction and then the other. Under its unjust pressure each footstep was an agonizing trial on a steeptwisting slope of sorrows lined with loin-clothed, whip-bearing overseers and red faced, hoarse throated centurions brandishing bloodstained javelins, goading her ever downward to the hungry pit waiting under this stony sunbleached mount.
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
“Like a doggy panting for a ride,” her father shrugged.
She turned a corner, kicked open the bathroom, and immediately reappeared struggling dramatically under her backpack, heavy straps clutched in both fists.
A slave's burden, it's back- breaking weight swayed first in one direction and then the other. Under its unjust pres- sure each footstep was an agonizing trial on a steep twisting slope of sorrows lined with loin-clothed, whip-bearing overseers and red faced, hoarse throated centurions brandishing bloodstained javelins, goading her ever down- ward to the hungry pit waiting under this stony sunbleached mount.