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Know someone you REALLY wanna get rid of?

Don’t do anything drastic (or regrettable). Bid them adieu with a bit of literary panache!

sharp clipper man
Cover and title image for Saint Gredible and Her Fat Dad's Mass
Enshreiko the opera song singer

      Nothing says HIT THE ROAD like an audiobook of Saint Gredible and Her Fat Dad’s Mass. Five streamly gredible hours will drive them thousands of miles – and many states away!


Saint Gredible and Her Fat Dad's Mass is 'pataphysical novel about an incorrigible little girl who insists upon carrying her mother's ashes around in a plushy pink backpack whilst her worthless fat dad preoccupies himself with the prospect of saving the world through crafting an incrementally new beatified religion. Asking the obnoxious and inconvenient question, "Are we really the stories we tell ourselves we are?" this 350 page tome is condemned to annoy, amuse, disturb, challenge, enchant, and Coltrane you.

Little Greddy has just lost her gentle and beloved grandfather who would let her help him compose fairytales ("inappropriate" for children) that incorporate his sentiments about his boyhood imprisonment in Auschwitz. Her other, not-so-nice, grandfather survived Auschwitz (almost?) on his own terms. Eventually, this flinty old man also lies down to sleep with his fathers, but not before endowing her with even more of a weighty legacy.

Get it now in 
paperback from your favorite local book merchant or download a (dirt cheap) audio version (or ebook)


Amazon undersells everyone so HERE !

Perhaps some blunter instrument is required?

 Here’s a hardcover version! 

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