An Illustrated Novel
ALIBRAM Select Library
The Edge of the Known Universe
Chapter Twenty
“Getting? Have you been paying attention? She’s there, Stan. Sure, she’s tiny and acts it. Very freakn’ immature. But she’s way past the bloody event horizon.”
“So you’re going through with it this time?”
“I don’t know. When’s sheltering jest stunting? Her Abba always wanted to. Was always trying. Wouldn’t let him. For her? For me? But now? Look what she’s carrying round already! Of course, I don’t wanna have to see her take it in. But if she shrugged it off? No reaction? What would that mean? All for the best? Healthy denial? Waiting for some time bomb? Maturity? Or she’s just another dud? She’s not. No matter what she isn't, she’s not no dud.”
Page breaks in this preview do not coincide with the pagination of the published book
“Getting? Have you been paying attention? She’s there, Stan. Sure, she’s tiny and acts it. Very freakn’ immature. But she’s way past the bloody event horizon.”
“So you’re going through with it this time?”
“I don’t know. When’s shel- tering jest stunting? Her Abba always wanted to. Was always trying. Wouldn’t let him. For her? For me? But now? Look what she’s carrying around already! Of course, I don’t wanna have to see her take it in. But if she shrugged it off? No reaction? What would that mean? All for the best? Healthy denial? Waiting for some time bomb? Maturity? Or she’s just another dud? She’s not. No matter what she isn't, she’s not no dud.”